Tattoos For Women - Choosing the Right Tattoo For You

Nowadays there is a vast variety of tattoo design and body location combinations that make fantastic tattoos for girls and it can often be difficult to decide which tattoo design to ink, and where to site it. This article is dedicated to girls looking for ideas and advice to help them plan their next tattoo.

In the past it was mainly men who decorated their bodies with tattoos, however over the past 50 years or so tattoos for girls have also become incredibly popular. The rise in the popularity of tattoos among girls followed the women's rights movement, as social attitudes changed to embrace equality. While many girls still prefer the classic tattoo designs styles and body locations that are also popular among men, recent decades has also seen an explosion in incredibly feminine and elegant tattoo design styles that have been developed especially for female tattoo enthusiasts. There are so many different design styles around that there really is something for everyone.

There are so many options for girls planning a new tattoo that choosing a design and where to ink it can be rather daunting. It is incredibly important to really take your time making a decision. Tattoos are permanent and girls who get inked on the spare of the moment usually live to regret it.

The two biggest choices to make when planning a new tattoo are which design to ink, and where on the body to ink it. Some girls prefer to pick the design first, and then think about where best to have it tattooed, while other girls pick the body location first. There is no right or wrong way, although I personally recommend considering both the design and body area simultaneously when planning a new tattoo.

There are a wide range of tattoo designs available, and I strongly suggest you browse through as much top quality artwork as possible to get some initial ideas about what you like. A tattoo is a very personal thing, and I recommend choosing a design that not only looks fantastic, but also has some significance to you. Some of the most popular design styles that make for fantastic tattoos for girls include (in no particular order) bird, butterfly, Celtic, cross, dolphin, eagle, fairy, fish, flower, heart, rose, star, tiger, tribal, and zodiac tattoos, although many more design styles are widely available.

In addition to the design itself, it is also important to think about the colours that you want to incorporate in to your tattoo. Some girls love really colourful tattoos, and choose to ink designs such as butterflies, birds, and flowers. Other women prefer more classic tattoo designs inked in black, such as the very distinctive tribal and Celtic design styles.

Some of the most popular body areas for girls include the wrist, arm, back, lower back, belly button, foot, leg, neck, and shoulder. When choosing where to site a new tattoo, there are a number of factors that must be carefully considered. Firstly, many girls must consider how visible they want their tattoo be to. A large number of women have employers who enforce strict no tattoo policies, and will therefore need to select an area of the body that can be covered up easily. Other girls prefer to ink highly conspicuous designs that are easily shown off to the world.

Another factor that will greatly influence your body location options is the size of the tattoo that you plan to ink. Very large tattoos will obviously need a big canvas such as the back, chest, arms, or legs. Many girls, especially girls planning their first tattoos, prefer to ink relatively small designs, and these can be sited pretty much anywhere. Some areas of the body can only accommodate small tattoos, such as the wrist, ankle and foot.

Pain is another factor that is important to many people, especially newbies inking their first tattoos. Generally speaking, bony areas of the body, such as the ankle, are more painful to ink than more flesh areas such as the upper arm. The size of the design is also important, as larger designs take longer to ink, meaning that the associated pain has to be endured for longer.

I hope that you found the information in this article helpful, and that you will heed some of the advice given. I cannot stress enough the importance of taking your time to think about your options. Far too many people rush the planning stage and end up with tattoos that the don't like. Don't be one of these people, think long and hard about what you really want, and never be afraid to seek advice. Tattoo artists are great sources of advice, and I recommend that you talk with a reputable artist in your local area. I also strongly recommend browsing as many top quality designs as possible. By showing your artist some of your favourite designs, they will have a better idea for the sort of tattoo that you want. Carefully planning your new tattoo should ensure that you will ink a design that you will love forever.

For more information about planning a new tattoo, please visit the Tattoos For Girls section of the Premium Tattoo Designs website. For more information about ankle tattoos for girls, please check out the Ankle Tattoo Designs For Girls page of the Premium Tattoo Designs website.

You can do a lot of funny things with a tattoo around. You can just be looking for a small tattoo that you and some of your special ones are able to notice. You can also look for one that no one else can miss. Tattoos serve to express a different 'you' to the world. Tattoos are available for all the people and most preferably for the teens. Girls can easily play around with their ideas using tattoos.

If you find it difficult to choose a tattoo, you can follow the usual approach. The best and cutest approach for a girl is to get a heart or star-shaped tattoo placed in attractive areas of her body. An easy approach is to wear a bunch of stars on your ankle or lower back. Hearts appear attractive irrespective of the place they are placed, but even greater on ankle, hip, shoulder, upper chest or thigh.

Flowers are the next option. An attractive way to wear flowers in a tattoo is to arrange them in a ring-pattern on your ankle or belly button. If you wish a single flower, a long-stemmed rose can be tattooed on the back of your shoulder, thus presenting yourself as a sweet and soft person. Alternatively, a tulip, iris, daisy, or a lily bud placed at any part will be more striking. You can also wear a bouquet of lilies, which are twisting up your ankle.
Pete Wood is a passionate tattoo enthusiast. Pete's passion for the art of tattooing, combined with his anguish at the huge number of people that end up regretting their tattoos, lead Pete and a friend to create the Premium Tattoo Designs website. The ethos of the Premium Tattoo Designs website is to provide high quality information and advice so that people can make informed decisions when planning a new tattoo.

The premium tattoo designs website contains a vast amount of information and advice about a wide range of tattoo designs and commonly tattooed areas of the body. The website also contains detailed information about selecting tattoo artists and shops, tattoo safety considerations, tattoo aftercare, and much much more.

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